Cross-curricular topics

Year 1 Weather and Seasons Assembly Script
A script for a year 1 assembly on weather and the seasons and the book 'After the Storm' featuring Percy the Park Keeper. Has 30 lines and link to a free song to sing.

Jolly Postman Assembly
Jolly Postman assembly script and cast list. Most suited for a year 1, 2 or 3 class.

History of Clothes planning
A half term’s worth of planning for how clothes have changed through time since 1900. Most suited to a KS1 class but can be adapted for KS2.

2 Weeks Planning on the Chocolate Monster
Two weeks planning on the Chocolate Monster by Pip Jones.
Includes; two weeks planning, differentiated resources, smart notebook, powerpoint of the book and word mat. Covers grammar of using 'un' and making words plural.

Writing a non-chronological report about Chocolate
A week’s planning and resources for writing a non-chronological report about chocolate. Written for a year 1 class. Includes; weekly plan, smart notebook. learning objectives, a simple text about chocolate and sentence starters.

Christmas Counting in Fives
A fun Christmas maths activity. Children are to count in fives using a tally chart to see which elf has made the most presents. Differentiated three ways to also include questions on most, least and one more and one less.

Dinosaur Assembly Script
Script for a dinosaur assembly. Includes facts about dinosaurs and a drama retelling the story of Tyrannosaurus Drip. This was used with a year 1 class.

Koala Visual Timetable
Hand designed and drawn Koala themed visual timetable. Most suited to a KS1 class to stick in the classroom and show what is happening in the day. Includes; phonics, English, maths, science, circle time, geography, history, story time, golden time, assembly, music. recorders, handwriting, reading, D.T. art, P.E, register, lunch and break. Hope you like them! They took a very long time!

The Jolly Postman
Two week plan using the Jolly Postman as a stimulus. Best suited to a year 1 class.

The True Story of the Three Little Pigs
Two week plan using the True Story of the Three Little Pigs as a stimulus. Most suited to a year 1 class.

Reading comprehension about Chocolate
Most suited to practise before year 2 SATs, however, would be good for finding out about chocolate for any year group.

The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle; One Week Plan
A week’s planning based on the Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. Most suitable for a year one class.

Celebrations Planning
8 Weeks of planning around the topic of celebrations. Focuses on Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. Covers R.E, History, D.T, and Geography. Most suitable for year 1 and year 2.

Kenny Koala's Trip to Peru
A Powerpoint and postcard template with a story of Kenny Koala’s trip to Peru. Used as end of term unit for year 1 class to learn about South America.

Changes in Transport through Time
Presentation and differentiated worksheets for transport through time. Most suitable for Year 1 or Year 2.

Mog's Christmas weekly plan
One week’s planning based on the book Mog’s Christmas by Judith Kerr. Most suited for a year 1 or 2 class.

Mog's Christmas Planning and Resources
1 week’s planning and resources for Mog’s Christmas by Judith Kerr. Most suited for a year 1 or 2 class. Includes; weekly plan, worksheets and powerpoint.Happy Christmas!

KS2 Christmas Assembly
Full script and song ideas for a KS2 Christmas production/ assembly. The assembly focuses on Christmas traditions around the world. I do not have the rights to songs so these are not provided sorry !